Monday, November 5, 2012

Walking in Hail

I went for a walk in a hailstorm today.

It wasn't hailing when I went out - I just wanted a picture of the sunset. There's a decent place to take photos a little ways down my street. After I snapped a few, I went a bit further to another area for some different shots.

Crappy picture taken with a phone because I no longer have a camera.

Anyway, it started hailing about the time I began to head back. Fairly small, pea-sized at first and got bigger about halfway back. The largest nugget I found was about half the size of a ping pong ball. I was thoroughly soaked by the rain, it looked like it snowed in my yard, I'm not sure my shoes are going to be dry tomorrow morning, and the hail left welts all over my chest.

Still, it really was a gorgeous afternoon. The autumn yellows looked stunning against the blue-grey of the sky. I really wish I had a camera.


  1. Wow. Even with just a phone camera that looks gorgeous.

    1. Autumn is lovely in my corner of the world. There just aren't many good places near me to get photos of it.
