Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I've been getting into the habit of paying a visit to the English department at least once a week. Nothing against my family or anything, but I need to converse with people IRL that I am not related to and who are not a cat on occasion. Getting away from the baby for a little while is just a bonus.

I'm writing away in the lounge area for a little while (working on something for Flash Fic Month today), and I usually stay until someone kicks me out. That responsibility typically falls to Minnick as he's almost always the last person to leave the department. On the way out, we chat about writing and he offers to start an exchange of sorts.

I think I managed to impress him with that character sketch.

I'm used to giving and returning critique and comments online, and I'm used to swapping writing with my group at the library, but this already feels different. I've never gone one-on-one before, and certainly not with someone who knows a hella lot more than I do - with the other stuff, everyone has been on more or less equal ground. It seems like most of the people I'm in contact with are primarily self-taught, the only real difference being in raw talent and number of years had to refine it.

I'm not really sure what I'm getting myself into, but I think it will be interesting XD

In other news, I have helped start a book club on dA. I'm probably going to move my Passages there and I'll be writing a book review every month. Not sure what I'm getting myself into there either, but again, interesting.

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