Saturday, September 1, 2012

Autumn Brontide

It rained today. Buckets and buckets of the stuff. I stood outside for nearly an hour, just watching the world come crashing down on my roof. The wind was crazy erratic, blowing the rain horizontal down the street one second and right into me hiding under the awning the next.

It would pour and then it would kind of stop for a while and things would go back to that overcast sharpness, that kind of new, dusty quality the atmosphere takes on after a good rain. Then it would pick up again and get really loud and dark and I was honestly wondering if I should be making sure none of the clouds were getting a green tinge (for those unaware, green skies are a tornado warning sign).

Anyway, it does this all afternoon and finally lets up around 7:00ish and I know - know that I should really hop in my car and go for a drive. I don't know why except maybe that the sky and the light quality looks kinda cool, but you don't have time to waste when it's that close to sunset. So off I go.

There are two places that come to mind - the lake and the bridge. I head for the lake first, as that's where I usually go. Unfortunately, said lake is in a sort of valley that obscures what I'm looking for, especially with this many clouds. Nothing worth getting my camera out for; though that hazy orange color overlaying everything is neat, it wouldn't really show up on film.

The bridge then. I wasn't able to take any pictures, but I'm glad I went. It was all blue-grey clouds and lightning on one side, and sherbert wisps on the other. Nothing but forest and pasture down below, and a small river running along, and some of the cows are out grazing and everything just looks very sharp to my vision in all the extreme contrast.

I took that backroad all the way to a nearby exit and got back on the highway towards home. I stopped for frappes at Hastings because it was happy hour, and why waste a good thing? By the time I get there, it's almost completely nightfall, but the storming hasn't stopped yet; there's no rain and no thunder, but the lighting is still giving its all. I barely went into Hastings. Just long enough to get my drinks then I sat out in the parking lot for a while, just watching.

Then I went home and gave the other frappe to my grandmother and pulled up this tab to tel you all why I named this blog what I named this blog and I can still hear the thunder but I've got a journal entry to finish.


  1. I saw the tropical storms on the British news and was thinking of you guys. I always worry about people I know from the States when I hear about things like this, so I'm glad you're okay.

    1. I'm far enough inland that all I get is rain. Some areas have the potential to flood, but nothing really around me. Tornadoes are what you have to watch out for around here.

  2. Storms are sooooo cool, especially when you're in the middle of them :D I'm glad you enjoyed yourself :D

    1. Luckily I had just gotten out of the shower, or I might have been upset about getting wet again XD
