Thursday, September 27, 2012


I had something to post about, but I forgot it. I'll talk about writing class instead.

Today was a wonderful writing class after a string of terrible ones. Terrible in that I was the only regular showing up. Once was due to all the rain scarring everybody off (even though I was coming from the furthest away). Two weeks later, I was once again the only one showing up. And the class before this, same deal.

Apparently what has happened it one of the regulars never got one of his pieces back from the writing group - we have lives, people lose papers; that's how it is. However, he's convinced that they stole it. Why? I don't know. So he's not showing up because he thinks his work will get stolen, and the other two regulars aren't showing because they've been accused of stealing, and I've been sitting in the classroom wondering what the hell happened to everybody.

All this came out today's session because Jen had been saying that something had happened but wasn't spilling any details until I kept pressing. The upside to this is that around the time everyone started dropping, some new writers decided to show up and we effectively have a new group of people.

The new group is very open to criticism and learning, and today was more about how to give critique than an actual workshop as is usual the second meeting of the month. Both are older ladies who are kinda novices at writing - one writes poems with that painfully sing-songy end rhyme and the other writes prose though I've not had a chance to read anything from her yet.

So yeah. The old group had a good run I guess, but it looks like it's gone. I can't figure out why he thinks his work has been stolen. If I can put everything I have online without worrying about copyright, he shouldn't have such a big issue =/ None of us in the group are/were anywhere close to publishing level or anything, so it's not like that's a factor.

At the end of the day, all of my stuff goes online because I would only be depriving myself of learning opportunities by hoarding it. If I want to get to publishing level, I have to put it out there. That's just how it works.

Note to Self: Minnick recommends Joe Meno. Look him up later. Second note to Self: catch up on Approaches to Lit. journal this weekend.

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