Sunday, April 21, 2013

A pear tree full of apples

So I've been busy.

No, really. I have three essays that need to be written in the next two weeks. About 25 pages in all. I've made that sound better by promising myself to write at least 1.5 pages a day for the next two weeks, and that will complete everything I need. Today, I have .5 pages.

Well, that's progress at least.

End of the semester coming up and all, so I'll continue to be busy for a little while longer. It's even worse since I'm close to graduating. Most of my experiences of late have been cataloged in poetry and dA journals, so it's not like I haven't been updating - just not here XD Anyway, I did another poetry reading, my first one in months, so I thought maybe I should give this thing some love too. I don't want it feeling neglected or anything.

I'm genuinely happy with that poem and reading. Between that one and Surrogate, I've been writing some pretty decent poetry the last month.

My pear tree is full of awkward curves
that have fallen, still green, into the shade
of your undergrowth where you have allowed them to ripen,
indifferent to the bruised skin.

I really like these lines. I think they sum up a lot of the things I want to say and cover much of the last year in a pretty metaphor. Doc has spent a lot of time on me; granted, a lot of it is because I won't leave him alone XD He honestly doesn't seem to mind at all.

This poem was the product of that sleepy time just after you've woken up - I can't remember exactly what I was thinking, but it had something to do with the opening line about bushels of knowledge. Usually I would roll over and forget about it, but I know a good line when I hear one, so I made myself get up and do something with it.

I think it also came from something I told Doc on Friday, about how these Independent Study sessions are keeping me grounded, and have been keeping me grounded for a while now. They just calm me down whenever I'm overwhelmed. I always feel like I'm accomplishing something, not just writing another essay for a grade. He's been so tired lately - I think he was grateful to know he has that effect on me. Makes the job worthwhile I guess.

I wasn't entirely sure about writing this as I was making some assumptions, so I called Doc this afternoon to ask why he became an educator, which was an enlightening conversation. I'm happy he was so willing to answer something that personal; I doubt I would have finished this without that "permission," as it were, even if I didn't tell him why I was asking. I also found out he's been teaching over at one of the local high schools on occasion; I didn't ask, but I do wonder about that. On top of everything else, and he's taking that on too, likely on his own time, without getting anything practical out of it. Just that genuine love for what he does.

Have I mentioned that I kinda love this man? <3

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