Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dentist - Round One

Well, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. They gave me so much numbing agent I barely noticed they were poking around in my mouth. Most of it was fillings and fixing my front two teeth. They do look a lot better, though it's difficult to really tell as I'm still having trouble feeling a quater of my face. They also extraced two teeth which literally took about two minutes; I was expecting that to hurt at least a little. It didn't, just felt extremely odd.

The bleeding from extraction has nearly stopped, but my mouth is probably going to ache for at least the rest of the day once the numbness finally goes away. They gave me a perscription for Vicodin just in case. I've still got a lot of work that needs to be done in there, but at least I feel like I can handle now.

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