Sunday, September 9, 2012

Epic Postcard Post

Finally found a way to take decent photos of these things. I've had trouble getting the stupid lighting right because my room is a weird place that eats bright light. Turns out all I have to do is balance them on top of the lamp.

I said I was going to try and post them all, but I don't feel like posting 34 pictures. But here's a general look at my collection thus far. As always, click to make them bigger.

Top and clockwise; cards from Russia, Netherlands, Finland, and Denmark.

Left to right; from Brazil, Finland, Turkey, Croatia, and Ukraine.

This one is fairly large. Russian
The card ID is Denmark, with a Romanian stamp, and the sender is from Germany.
From a 13 year old in Belarus. The backside had an Olympics marker on it.

This batch here is from people I actually know, mostly through dA. From top left going clockwise we have cards from Cassildra, Bill/Phaldus, Xlntwtch, DrippingWords, and DoodlerTM.

My love of Autumn is well documented. Denmark

I think this is my favorite card so far. Click to see all the lovely details.

May post more later, but probably not XD