Saturday, September 15, 2012

Suddenly, a Knock on the Door

Etgar Keret is my new favorite author and I'll never again doubt any book recommendations Minnick sends my way.

I've been reading and writing flash fiction for years, but never realized there were people who did it professionally. I've seen authors write flash fic of course, but it was usually a one off thing on the side, for a magazine or something. This is exactly the kind of thing I've always wanted to find in a brick-and-mortar bookstore.

I picked up Suddenly a Knock on the Door about a week ago and read the entire thing in a few hours. Partly because I hated to put it down, but also because it isn't very long - I think the longest story in there was maybe five or six pages, if that. I was kinda reminded of Harris Burdick stories; you just kinda go with a lot of the logic and don't really question it. Of course there's a magic gumball machine buried under a stone in that guy's childhood backyard and he found out about it through a dream. Why wouldn't there be? It almost borders on magical realism at times. I really enjoyed the nonchalant tone that even the strangest events were treated with.

It's kinda neat to realize there are people out there doing what I've been doing and being successful at it. I didn't realize there was an audience for flash fiction outside of the Internet.


  1. That's really cool. I'll have to check it out. By the way, there were problems getting to the post office until today, but the package is now OFFICIALLY sent :D
