Sunday, January 27, 2013


My first big assignment, though not due until the end of the year, is to make a collage. Or, a Cornell Box. I've actually seen them before, I just never knew they had a proper name. Do go explore that link; it's interesting stuff.

A Cornell Box is a sort of 3D collage. The class it's for is Pattern Recognition, so it makes sense to do something like this for a class that deals with organizing matter in new ways. I'm still not entirely sure what the assignment actually is, if we choose a theme or what, but I think things will become clearer as the semester goes on.

He showed us a few he had made himself, which did help. One was made out of an old jewelry box; he had hung some bells where the necklaces would have been, and pulled out the box drawers to make shelves for some small trinkets. I'm one of those people that has lots of small knick-knacks like that lying around, so I know I have the potential to make an interesting piece.

The basic gist is that the human mind will see patterns where there are none - all you have to do is put random objects together and people will start trying to connect them. That's just how our brain works. This class promises to be interesting if nothing else.

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