Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, Same Old

I traded in my old DS XL for a 3DS XL. Awesome.

Right now I'm working my way through Pokemon Black 2 and I don't have any 3DS games yet, so I can't say much about how I like it. It's pretty much the same as the old DS with some new features. But eventually new games are all going to be for this system, and some of the ones I really want are already on it, so I may as well upgrade. The new Professor Layton is on the 3DS, and so is the latest Kingdom Hearts installment and the 999 sequel Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward.

Anyway, Black 2 has been a lot of fun thus far. Just looking at the town map, you can tell they've added a LOT of content - at least two completely new sections for one thing, and it's really neat to see how things have changed in the two years since the last game. I'm finding it a little harder to level up than normal, but I'm catching Pokemon a lot easier so I guess that's a fair trade.

In other things, I'm taking on the Glory-Be project this year - that is, writing something every day. I bought myself three notebook while out today. One for the actual project, one for a weekly color poem, and the third I'm not sure what I want to do with quite yet. And at the end of the year, participants will exchange notebooks <3 Since I give mine away all the time, it will be neat to finally be able to read from someone else.

Resolutions? No. Projects? Yes. =D


  1. That sounds like a brilliant resolution!!! *secretly hopes for more Autumn stories*

    1. No one completes resolutions; projects are better :D

  2. P.S. I think you might have missed off an 's' in amassing in your about me section. :P ...not like I'm being pernickety but you know :P
