Monday, August 13, 2012

Daily Deviation

Or, Why I Nearly Fell Out of Bed This Morning.

I can't explain how ridiculously pleased I am to have landed a DD on Superimpose. I am so grateful for this. Not that I was any less grateful for the honor on Recycled Dreams but this - this is personal. This was lifted right from the past six months or so. It means more to me than Recycled Dreams did, and more than most of the things in my gallery come to that.

I've had the pleasure of being good friends with an absolutely wonderful, amazing teacher these past few months. I love the guy and look up to him a lot and he's just been so encouraging to me in regards to writing and trying to point me in the right direction. I'm glad I grew enough spine to give him the piece - usually, I keep my work more or less to myself (outside of online of course, where I'm always under the guise of a certain amount of anonymity). I can't recall anyone else who's ever asked to read more things from me just because, not as part of a class. He's always been so kind to me and taken the time to chat even when he's busy. That guidance means a lot to me.

I was in the English lounge on Thursday, which was when he told me he would be the new Associate Dean and wouldn't be doing much teaching before long. I really am happy for him and he seemed excited about the prospect, even though I really would have loved to keep taking classes under him. It won't effect Fall semester though, so I still have one more round of Adolescent Lit. and I'm taking his Career Perspectives class as well. Maybe I'll have something to add on to Superimpose before Christmas break.

Even if I don't see him as much in the course of his new role, I'm really happy to have known him as a professor. A dean or someone in that kind of position seems kinda unapproachable, and I wouldn't have had a reason to meet them anyway.

I'm getting kinda rambly because I'm not entirely sure how to say all the things I want to say. I feel like I've learned a lot, though most of it was outside of the classroom and I guess he kinda became something of a mentor figure to me without me ever really noticing it. I know he'll be busier than ever as the Associate Dean, but if he ever has a few minutes to spare, I hope he'll continue being that person. And that I can still help out with his writing project =)

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