Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I have two classes that are reserved strictly on Wednesdays; Career Perspectives and Film as Literature.

I had high expectations of Film for obvious reasons, and equally high expectations of Perspectives because Minnick is teaching it. First impressions?

Well, Film was kind of a letdown really. I know it's the first day and all, but I was getting the impression that the professor wasn't too psyched to be back in classes. We're starting with Dracula and vampire films; my understanding is we'll be reading the book and watching at least three movies based upon it. I've never been a fan of vampires, so I'm kinda iffy. Our other two books are The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness, both of which I've read and neither of which I liked, so take that as you will.

Career Perspectives meanwhile, was at least interesting. Our first day was spent talking to a lawyer and how it can relate to the field we're in. I have no intention of going to law school given my poor people skills, but it was neat to simply listen. We have a schedule of speakers coming in over the semester, including people in education, web design, advertising, different places we can take an English degree. The bulk of our work though, is going to be concentrated on building a portfolio.

My case is a bit odd as a transfer student who is behind on credits, so I'm not entirely sure what I'll be submitting even though the guidelines are clearly spelled out on the syllabus. I can't submit anything from Composition for example, because I didn't take that at UALR. I'll need at least four papers though, and some creative writing stuff. I don't think it will be terribly difficult, but the evaluation portion has the potential to be problematic, again because I didn't do all of these things at UALR. I'm not sure how I'm going to work around all of that yet.

I actually do enjoy self-evaluation and reflective assignments, I've just never had one this intensive. And I've never had to cite my own papers to write a paper o_O

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