Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Italian Food

Dinner with the library group tonight <3 Luigi's makes the best pizza around here.

Had to leave Drama early, but Minnick was cool with that. I won't get to go to writing class again until sometime in August D= But that gives me plenty of time to stock up on writing for them to look over. Not that I need it - I've been writing almost non-stop this summer. I don't typically write this much on break, but I can't complain~


  1. I just wanted to say that I found you via DA and I've become quite the fan of your writing. I've been putzing around on blogspot a bit, contemplating starting my own here, so it's nice to read someone who's already doing it :-)

    Joey (DA ValynAporia)

    1. Aw, thank you :3 I'm always happy to follow new blogs from my dA people :D Not many update that regularly, so I'm at a lack of reading material here most days.

  2. Your blog about Italian food is really awesome . I love Italian food very much and i have tried many Italian recipes which i got from YouTube , recipe books and many other website at home . I like visiting Italian restaurants in weekend.
