Sunday, December 2, 2012

Broken Pedestal

Cracked... you were one of my favorite websites. Why are you killing yourself like this? D=

Have a read over those comments folks. This is what gets you banned at Cracked - sane, rational, civil discussion. Not one of those comments exists anymore. Strangely, not one of them violates the User Policy either. I can't imagine why someone at Cracked feels the need to hide these comments.

This is only four screencaps - I didn't make more. I didn't feel the need to, but over well 500 comments are missing from the comments section and now it seems the moderators are just deleting them as they come.

For those not in the know, allow me to quickly summarize the situation:

John Cheese writes this article. It's a bit condescending, but nothing to be all that upset over. Cheese follows up by specifically stating on his Facebook and Twitter that the article was an attack on the comment section of Cracked and continues shooting himself in the foot with some pretty horrific insults that I'm not comfortable repeating here. The comment section (rightfully) explodes with indignation.

I have managed to get myself banned altogether - not just my account, my IP address. For the post in the first picture.

I had commented perhaps half a dozen times since having an account with Cracked, if that, before this incident. I haven't so much as uttered a "damn" over the whole incident, so why the deletion and ban? I don't even know how to react to this much douche.


  1. Wow, great touch with the screenshots. And you have an actual blog. Nice. Hope you get some traffic for sure.

    1. I think screenshots make the point far better - it proves that we're getting shafted for being reasonable but dissenting.

  2. I have to admit that I have never been to Cracked and have no awareness of this issue at all. I just wanted to say that this:

    "When you put a lid on all dissenting opinion, you halt all discussion."

    is so wonderfully phrased.

    1. I've loved Cracked for years - the articles are very informative and usually funny. This came so far out of left field though :/

  3. Good job Lauren! I hope this story won't be buried, even though they're trying their best to suppress it everywhere on the web.

    1. Thanks. I understand they have a business to run and there probably were a lot of things being said where I couldn't see them that needed to be kept under control, but I feel like they handled the things in the public arena very poorly. Cracked has always been a beacon of sanity on an Internet fueled by rage. It's like the people running it just went on a power trip for a day or something.
