Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another Partial Scene

He savored his tea and glanced out the window.

"Snow's really piling up, isn't it?"

"I heard we're supposed to get five or six inches," Autumn angled her head to look as well. The snow was colored blue and orange between the neon cafe sign and the warm glow of the street light.

"I'm on break; doesn't effect my paycheck." He stood from the table he had barely sat down at and pushed the chair back under. "Care for a walk?"

She hummed and pretended to be thinking the offer over, even as she slid the bookmark back in its place between the pages. Grabbing her cup, she she stood and turned to him. 

"That sounds nice," the book went back into the satchel and she slung it over her shoulder. They made for the door and he stepped into the cold first to hold it open for her. The snow made a satisfying crunch under her boots.

"Which way?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't live far in any direction." He was already wiping snow from his glasses.

"You lead then. I don't know this area very well."

"There's a park not far from here if you like. I take a book or two down there on occasion."

She took another sip from her hot chocolate before responding. "That sounds just fine."

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