Saturday, May 5, 2012

Characters are Difficult Things

I usually know what I'm doing with my writing. I have a general idea of where things are going to go, or at least what I want to accomplish. I'm not used to writing blind.

So these three pieces are proving very interesting. It's not often my characters write themselves for me. It's kinda nice not to have to do so much work, but I'm not entirely sure I like not knowing what's going to happen.

If the subject material were different, I'd probably just cut loose and have fun with it. But since I'm handling a more delicate subject matter, I can't not think about it. While I've written relationships plenty of times, it's never been... deliberate? Autonomous? I'm not sure what the word I need is. The point is, when I've written other relationships, even if I didn't know everything about the relationship, I knew enough. I knew what I wanted to communicate by writing it. This - this is out of my league. This is carefully constructing a relationship from the ground up, something I've never done before. And it has to be even more careful than usual due to the roles the characters have been cast in.

It's not like student/ teacher relationships don't have a long history (everyone knows about Merlin and Nimue right?), but it's a dodgy subject at best, even if only writing nothing more that friendship which is what I would like to do, but I've a terrible feeling these characters won't let it end there and I'll have to kill one of them in a car accident to keep it from going in that direction.

I'm going to keep writing them of course, but, again, I have no idea where this is going. I know where I would like it to go, but I'm only a backseat driver on this road trip. I can only hope I don't end up in an abandoned gas station run by a cannibal 150 miles away from nowhere.

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