Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Anyone Out There?

Haven't heard from anyone else in a while - not many new posts, no comments - am I the only one in my circle still blogging? Because seriously, it's way easier to keep up with others than going it alone.

Have a song, becuase I don't have much else today.

This song is infinitely more awesome with the backstory. And it's already pretty awesome to begin with.

Have two, because it's a travesty this band is as unknown as it is. You may know them better as the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The members of Savatage would become the core members of TSO later. I like both, but Savatage is far superior in my opinion; they have some fantastic rock operas and the stories are much better than their TSO counterparts, which have to be more family friendly for the Christmas theme.

Again, backstory is everything. See; Chiune Sugihara

I have met two other people who have heard of this band. One was a big fan of TSO, a love she and her Dad shared. The other was introduced to the band by me =P Hardly counts.

This album is supposed to get the Broadway treatment. Eventually.

I think I may be bored. Or just felt I needed to use the video feature more often. Maybe I should start linking more songs; I have some rather obscure stuff in my library o_O


  1. Oh hey there! I'm afraid that I haven't been too regular about my posts...my sister's actually been updating more than I have. I have been reading your posts everyday-ish though.

    I'll be sure to start posting more regularly again. I've just been busy with classes and life seems to get in the way when I want to write.
