Sunday, February 26, 2012

Novelty Value

My parents got an XBox so they could play on the Kinect. This amuses me X3

It offers a pretty solid workout, though I've always found motion capture games to be more gimmick-y than anything (give me PLOT). Still, watching my Dad wave all his limbs around trying to catch virtual dodge balls is... I don't know what the word is, mostly because I'm not actually sure how to feel about it XD

Trey and I dropped by their place to check it out for a few hours, and thus that paper of mine has barely been touched even now, three days before the deadline. Gotta do that tomorrow. Or rather, later today.

We left about 11:00 but didn't get home until 1:30 - first we made a detour to try and find this place I need to attend for a class next week (didn't find it). Then we went to Wal-Mart. Yes, we went grocery shopping at one o'clock in the morning. Everything is funnier at one o'clock in the morning. It's hilarious at three o'clock in the morning.

It's not the sleep deprivation or anything; there's simply something ridiculous about going through your daily activities at such an unusual time. The surreality of seeing Wal-Mart totally empty save the employees is worth the novelty value.

The best thing was these two little kids; these two seven year olds walked by us, carrying a 24 case of Dr. Pepper cans. One in front with his arms behind him, the other at the back, like grasping a stretcher. No parents or older sibling - they waltzed right by our cart and waddled off to one of the checkout lanes. Totally adorable <3

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