Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Break Over

The bad weather seems to have passed us by for now and that means I'm right back to classes as normal. Anthropology was a test - not too sure how that went. I could eliminate at least hafl the answers on most of the multiple choice questions, but that's hardly much comfort. And wft, an essay question? Where the heck did that come from?

Even with that though, I finished in about thirty minutes (it's a two hour class). I actually had enough time to leave campus and go eat some lunch for a change. I almost never get to eat on school days, so I took advantage. Chinese <3

When I got back I realized I could have hit the bookstore as well; my Poetry class had been cancelled. So there I was with three hours to kill. I might have gone back out if not for the long walk to and from my car. And the rain.

But Adolescent Literature did eventually come around and I loved it as much as always <3 He didn't drag out "The Red Pony" nearly as much as "The Outsiders," which was a huge relief. I'm not sure how much longer I could have dwelled on such a boring book. I'll conceed it's well written; that doesn't make it exciting.

The rest of us got a taste of what was going to be expected of our presentations - everyone has to give one on one of the books we'll be reading. The first group went today; it's really more for the people that are planning to be education majors, but that doesn't exempt the people who aren't. Today's group tried their hand at guiding a class discussion, which is more or less what every class is. They kicked off with a writing prompt and then put us into groups to discuss what we'd come up with.

I ended up paired with the actual instructor, Dr. Minnick. Normally, that would make me nervous. Fourtunately, I'm both good at literature and I actually like this guy. He's awesome. He's one of those professors that genuinely loves what he teaches and makes that enthusiasm carry over. My first Art History teacher had a similar attitude towards her subject, so much so that I nearly went down that road myself XD

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