Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The ACTUAL First Day

Because the first day hardly counts when you only go for one class =P

The good news is, I'm dropping my 8AM class. The bad news is it's math, so I still have to take it eventually. Turns out they pulled the instructor to teach a different class and now I don't know if they plan to cancel this one or get a new professor or what. But I had wanted to take the Mathematics class anyway, which is supposed to be easier than Algebra, so maybe I can nab a summer course or something.

Thus, the bulk of my classes are Monday/ Wednesday from 11-6, with some downtime inbetween. Not too terrible all things considered.

Anthropology looks like it's going to be snore-fest. I was honestly having trouble keeping my eyes open while listening to her drone on about the syllabus. Everything else though is shaping up to look like a good year.

Form and Theory of Poetry is certainly something I'm interested in - my crash course with poetry in the Creative Writing intro class was extremely benficial and taught me a lot about how to go about crafting poems. I feel like I've made leaps and bounds in the past few months with poems thanks to that. I'm cautiously optimistic about this course. It's also set up more like a literature class than a creative writing workshop, so I won't have to write a poem a week or anything, which I think I actually prefer.

One class in and I LOVE Adolescent Lit. The professor is a great guy who obviously loves the subject. It's technically for Education majors planning to teach English, but still open enough that anyone who wants to take it, can. The Outsiders is going to be our first read <3 Much love for S.E. Hinton. It's the only book on the list I know really well, but there are a few others I've either read or have a general idea of and it's shaping up to be my favorite class.

And that's my day. Well, and something about a blackout or something.


I love you Internet <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you find all of your classes satisfactory for the most part. :)
