Monday, January 16, 2012


You know how people seem to think a personality is either spontaneous or predictable? Yeah, no. I'm split nearly half and half between spur-of-the-moment adventures and actually sitting down and planning out what I'm going to do. For most things like road trips, I like to have a (flexible) itenerary. But other times, I go and do something like what I did today.

The long and short of it (haha); I have red hair now.

The last time I tried to dye my hair, I went for some subtle red tones. It turned out too subtle - you could barely tell I'd done anything at all. This time, I went considerably bolder. They bleched some highlights into my hair and then dyed those so the color would actually show up this time. It pops so much better now <3 I've been wanting to put some color in my hair for a while now - my real hair is dark brown, dark dark brown. Like, a few shades darker and it may as well be black. I'm really excited by me new look. I totally love how it came out in the end.

It's also been cut to about shoulder length, something I conceeded to so the hairdressers would have an easier time with the dye. When I went in, I was intending to see what the cost/ amount of time would be - I wasn't expecting to actually be in the chair in fifteen minutes. I had also been considering a perm (I do like the look of curls on my head), but I'm glad have just gone with the color for now. I think it's a good choice =P

In other news, I rediscovered this place last night and spent an hour with my ribs aching of laughter. Here were some of my faves:

 And do check out this gif, which may be the funniest thing I've ever seen. Oh good lord, you have no idea how much that face swap amuses me. I was crying of laughter last night.

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