Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Doodles and Emo Poetry

This is what I do when I get bored - I doodle things on dA Muro. Usually on Bill's page because Bill is amusing to draw and his curly hair/ top hat combo makes him vey distinctive. Isn't he cute? <3 I am incapable of drawing Bill without making him adorable.

Days like this I wish I still had a tablet. Though, if I do say so myself, this is pretty damn good for using a laptop pad mouse.

Tara has caused me to realize that our blog personalities appear to have been switched - my blog is considerably more optimistic thus far, where Bill, the true optimist, does not showcase as much optimism in his blog. I'm oddly amused by the switcheroo and feel the need to post some emo poetry to correct the balance of nature. (And just to give Bill what for.)

This was a writing group exercise from some time ago. The form was thus:

Ten lines - 1 and 10 must be the same
Lines 4 and 5 rhyme
Disagree with quote
Same as line 1

The Result:

The pit of my soul
is empty, or nearly so.
A blank clock, a dull blade -
this condition inhuming,
flower to firework.
"Hell is other people,"
but Sartre was wrong
and my apathy is consuming
the pit of my soul.

It makes me laugh each time I read it. You would too if you could hear the voice in my head for it.


  1. Liking the picture. :D Top hat = awesome.

    And the poem isn't quite emo, though I see where you're going with the "switching personalities" bit. In all honesty, I think it's pretty good, even if it is a bit depressing.

  2. He loves that hat. My OTP right there XD

    I think it's a bit too snarky to be really emo.
