Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sick Day

It's been a while since I felt so terrible that it was actually a struggle to lift my cell phone. I can't say I'd like to repeat the experience.

Spent pretty much the entire day in bed; when I did get up, it felt like I was moving underwater, or like all my muscle structure had atropied during the night. Still feel pretty terrible, but at least I can sit up now - my bath did wonders for me. Any sleep schedule I had has been throughly shot to hell, which may present a problem when I go back to classes next week.

God I'm so tired TT_TT I'll try to be super intersting tomorrow.


  1. I hope you slept lots and are feeling better! At any rate, don't feel guilty about a sick day. I don't think you're under any kind of obligation to do anything or make up for anything when you've been sick. <3

  2. I slept a lot indeed :D In fact, I may have actually helped put myself back on something resembling a normal sleep schedule.
