Thursday, January 26, 2012

Litmus Test

Ignoring troublesome things for a little while, at least until the situation decides to rear its head again. Tonight was my library night <3

I always enjoy my writing group - I come out feeling relaxed and refreshed and ready to settle down and do some work. The fact that I have yet to do any work is just a nuance.

Really though, I need to finish some worksheets I have due for Anthropology tomorrow. Nothing strenuous or anything, I just don't want to do it XD But I feel that way about most schoolwork.

What I really need to do is get cracking on a short story for my Fiction class. There are plenty of pieces I could use from my gallery, but nothing really jumps out to me. And I've been feeling a tad drained as far as creativity goes lately; I don't paticularly want to write something new at this point in time. Granted, I do have a number of plot bunnies hutched away, but none I feel ready to work on. My creative process can be rather finnicky that way. I have a tendency to let things come as they will rather than trying to force what isn't there.

One of my favorite things to do when I'm trying to write and am blocked is turn on the T.V. or some other distraction; if the distraction is more important than the writing, then the writing isn't ready. Sort of a litmus test if you will.

One of these days I really do need to get a complete list of all my story ideas on a post :/

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