Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

Quick Edit: Let me make one thing VERY clear - the reactions in this post from BottomlessPitStudios document the opinions of ONE of the members of the account, NOT the account as a whole. There are four other people, at least of of which takes criticism much better and with a far more polite tone. I take no issue/ offense with them at all = )

Quick Edit Two: Just to be super-clear about it, I've posted here as well to remind anyone reading - a group is not a person. The group is awesome; Chen is... Chen. He is no longer part of the group, and several current members have posted in the comments below if you feel like doing some compare and contrast.

I wasn't going to blog about this, and I'm probably breaking some rule by doing so, but this guy is such a douche it needs to be recored for future generations as a warning.

I'm an admin for a group on dA called Elite Literature - I help process applications. This is one we got in today:

Click to read. I apologize for how wonky the sizes on these are ^^;

Okay, that's cool, but we have a very specific application process deviants have to follow. JudgeNotNovels was kind enough to fill him in of this fact. Here is his explanation, and the applicants response to his comment:

Uhh, you're getting rather snippy here, but still not full on douchebag. When we reject an application, we also try to give some feedback explaining why. Here's the feedback group leader Packeranatic left:

And here is the guy's response to the feedback:

Wow dude. Fucking wow. I was unaware pageviews were synonymous with quality and success, or that having an education equated with arrogance. Arrogance is assuming yourself to be better than others. "Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities." Something you seem to have trouble with. "All you need to know is that, I'm one of the best." anyone? Think maybe he's projecting his own flaws on to others?

I've been rather peeved with people on the Net in the past, but I've never actually wanted to reach through my screen and phsycially throttle someone. Did he seriously claim to be one of the best and then call us arrogant in a sentence fragment? I don't even have words for this much hubris.

Will keep you updated as the situation develops. (Assuming it does.)


The guy posted about the situation on FaceBook. Here's the screencap:

Alternatively, click here to see the post, comments and all.
If his head gets any bigger, it's going to explode. This guy doesn't know where to stop at all.

Updated again:

A friend gave this douche a critique. If you don't feel like clicking, here are the screenshots:

The Critique:

Again, perfectly nice suggestions for improvement. The response?

Dude. Do you not READ what the hell you're writing?

By the way, this isn't even his account - it's shared with four other people. Since he cares about pageviews so much, let's break it down: as of this writing, BottomlessPitStudios has 42,416 pageviews. There are five people sharing the account, so technically Chen only has 42,416/5 pageviews, or 8483. Meanwhile, on HIS REAL ACCOUNT, Chen only has 716 pageviews. Doodlergirl has 4743, or nearly seven times as many as Chen.


Oh, but wait, it gets BETTER than that. Doodlergirl's 92 deviations have been favorited 407 (about 4 per deviation) times, while Chens 12 deviations have been favorited 12 times (or one per deviation).

As for BottomlessPitStudios, their 608 deviations have been 80,523 views. That's about 132 views per deviation. However, recalling that this group is split between five people, we have 80523/ 608 = 132/5 = about 26 views per deviation. The favorites stats are 8195, so: 8195/608 = so 13 faves per deviations. 13/ 5 is about two and a half. The guy hardly has much to brag about here.

(For the recod, my own fave stats amount to 15 faves per deviation and 161 views per deviation; does this mean I get the right to criticize him now?)


Another friend left a response to BottomlessPitStudios response on the critique. Here's the complete set of THAT conversation thus far:

Again, click to embiggen and apologies for how wonky the sizing is - I'd fix it if I could.

  Did... did he seriously try to make the argument I think he was trying to make? About artists with "no skill like Lil Wayne?"

This is a lost cause. It really is :( At this point I'm only keeping a record as a warning to others: do not be this person.


  1. B[ People. Seriously. I can't even express...
    His irony bone must be broken.

    1. Given this record, I'm not sure I'd give him so much credit as to think he knows a lit. term like "irony."

    2. Fuck CHEN!!! He's a buisnessman, not an artist! Definately not a poet! If you got views then you must have a poetical "auto-tune"! You know, the program that allows Paris Hilton to sound "good" on a song. Or Brit, T-Pain, Snoop, non-singers, etc...

    3. That's not a bad analogy for the attitude actually XD

  2. "fancy and needless education in the English language."


    (entered my stuff and stuff so you know 'tis me. I really need to set up a blog. I'll put it on my "holy shit this is a lot of stuff to do" list XD )

    1. I KNOW. WHY is this guy writing ANYTHING if that's his opinion? *bangs keyboard with face*

      I shall follow religiously whenever you get around to it =D

  3. Wow. I am shocked by this because I watch Bottomless Pits Studio on dA, and I have never known any of them to act so horribly. I've commented back and forth with Chen on several occasions during which he was never anything but a gentleman. Granted, I haven't kept up with them as much recently because I've been busy, but this seems out of character. Regardless of that, though, it seems like the team at EL is handling this very well.

    1. I'll have to take your word for it, because my opinion is colored beyond repair at this point. I'm not sure if the other group members are aware of the situation at all, or if they all back Chen on this :/

    2. None of us back him, and we're all deeply upset at the mark he has left on our name.

  4. I am sorry, but I've never seen such douchebaggery in my life. :/ This man poorly represents those who write literature and everyone in the lit community, actually.

    I think it's funny that he says you guys told him how to write poetry, when you actually DIDN'T - you were just giving him tips on how he could possibly do something called IMPROVE his writing!

    And for the record, I think his poetry is not good. I almost want to do an honest critique on his "best" work... because he does have critique enabled. :D

    1. I'd hate to see what happens if you DO give him a critique XD I'd take it on myself, but I'd be nervous - if they knew I was an Admin for the group, it would be obvious why I'd taken the time.

      Times like this make me hope karma is a real thing and it bites him hard.

    2. I did it... I wrote a short critique for one of the guy's poems.

      I'll be sure to tell you if he hurls insults at me. xD

    3. By all means :D I'll add it to my growing log XD

  5. Judging by the comments on his facebook post, the commentors don't realise how rude he was being. >.< And the problem with his poetry (for me, anyway) isn't the meter or the rhyme... it's just that the actual words are cliched and poorly written.

    1. I'll admit I didn't look too closely at the poetry ^^; Even if I had, my opinion is pretty biased at the point. I'd probably end up finding a flaw per line XD

  6. Are the 4 other people with whom he shares this account aware of this? And are they okay with it?

    If I was sharing an account with this guy and caught him acting like this, I'd change my password PDQ and boot him on his rear end. What a way to sully up someone's username.

    1. It's difficult to say for sure. I know I would have had the same reaction as you though :/

    2. Is it even dA policy to have more than an individual manning an account? This is petty but they're doing circles around the "system" to gain more points or views or whatever. I personally have no interest in things like that...It's kind of a thing you out-grow when you realise that they're just figures and they don't actually help you grow as a human being or as a writer. I have had several run-in's with this jerkwad. Loved your posts/archiving of typical douchebaggery.

    3. I don't think there's anything against dA policy, otherwise groups like DLD would have to be shut down as well :/

    4. Groups are exempt. I found out it's 'highly discouraged' because multiple users attached to the single account is 'generally messy' and one person always wants to take 'ownership.' :)

    5. I do agree, but dA policy does not condemn that practice... It's only related to deviants consensus, and I would encourage, given how hard it's gotten to have some feedback on dA nowadays... Even so, considering Chen's actions, I would NEVER share an accout with a deviant such as him...


  7. Information sure travels quick, I am Lourwind, from the account, Bottomless Pit Studios. I am one of the lead comic artist artists and was also the person who defended the Studio when this situation first began.

    We'd like to remind people that our Studio is about entertainment, the rest of us care little for page views. Me, I am a comic artist, seeing one or two people enjoying my comic is a simple happiness for me.

    So, in that I ask that nobody attack our account or Studio over the wrong doing of one of our ex members.


    1. That's exactly why I made the edit at the very top - once I realized the other members were much more professional, it was easier to direct my, ah, rage at the person who actually deserved it. I just put it here instead of dA as it was far more personal an issue to me than a dA journal merited.

      Glad to see you all appear to be doing well though and aren't letting one troll bring ya down :) Looks like you've got a pretty awesome fanbase to back you up when things get rough.

      I do apologize if my blog post was a catalyst for flamers though :/ I only have three watchers here, so I can't imagine that many people see this blog.

  8. Hey guys, Dannie here from BPS, I am one of the comic artists, I also do pokemon request and I apologize for what was said to everyone there.

    I am one of the hot headed artists but if I don't like a crit I will get worked up, but I will never respond till I am calm because no matter what I say I will just look like an arse. I hope that we have not gotten off on the wrong foot.

    Also I would like to note that we are branching out and have new poets and other artists are trying out the Literature. We would hate for them to be alienated for what someone said when he is no longer working with us.

    -Dannie. ^_^

    1. Not a worry :) The other members I was in contact with were so much more professional I didn't stay angry with the group - just the one person. I hope I've made the clear as possible with the edit at the top. Chen excluded, you all seem pretty awesome :D

  9. Oh dear God, I didn't know this happened... I been off DA for a pretty long time and I had absolutely no idea that this had happened... I read the first few part and I just have one word to say : "Arrogance"

    I know the poet himself had felt stung but he should not have critisize others like that. No one's works is perfect. I myself am a writer, I used to write stories on books before I turn to the use of modern blog. A story which I had just finished writing on in my blog ( used to get many negative comments, not because of the story line, but because it was violent. I'll admit it was the first story which I written in quite a darker tone compare to my previous works (Which I will find the time to update) and ... And I'll admit, my arts aren't that great but if people love it, then they love it. If they don't like it, I won't mind as well. If they criticize it, I take the time to read the comment to see what went wrong and improve it on further novels I'm working on...

    BPS were the first guys who actually appreciate my arts, so I'll support them too...

    I hope I didn't sound offensive. You have a DA too? May I add you as a friend in DA?

    1. Critique is an iffy business; you never know how the critiqued will respond.

      I'm always happy to have more dA friends :D You can find me under the name "SilverInkblot" there.

      By the way... Saya Heartnet? "Black Cat" reference? ;) One of my favorite anime/ mangas <3

    2. Yes, you're absolutely right ^^ Originally I wrote under another name, but then my sister and I were watching Black Cat then my sis said to me, "You should use Saya Heartnet for your future references." Which I did for my writings and somehow it gotten stuck :3

      Yep, I agree with you. It's one of the best anime and manga. I love re-reading it over and over again, though personally I prefer the manga more. The anime is also good in their own way. :D

    3. I liked where the anime went, but I did enjoy the books more. (Also, I spent the entire series waiting for Lugart Won to show up again XD) And I like Saya better as a posthumous character - Train's development in the anime felt more rushed to me for that reason.

      Buuuut.... I did like that one scene in the anime where Creed got his redemption moment. That was pretty awesome. It was neat to see all the minor characters gang up too :D

    4. Yep, the anime seemed to rush into everything (24 episodes only compare to the manga which has 200++ if I'm not mistaken) but they made up for it by bringing past foes and allies alike together to stop the destruction of the world.

      But I wished they have been given more screen time. But overall it's a very cute anime. Have you noticed that white cat with the :3 (this expression) appearing most of the time, or when Train just bring out the cat out of thin air? (L'mao) XD

      I used to have a crush on Creed (I always like villains more than the heroes... *blush blush*)

    5. I think they did a pretty good job with what they had all around :D

      Sven was always my fave. Can't not like a character with a cool hat X3

    6. It's not the hat. It's his gentleman code ^^. He's always, "I cannot forgive anyone who hurt women or child." (L'mao) And he often looks cool when he opens his briefcase and an arsenal of weapons popped out like nobody's buisness XD

  10. I can't say anything about BPS, They supported me like crazy, AND I had other polite debates with Chen, never once he had attacked me or offended me in any way... I got really surprised when I saw this, ABSOLUTE arrogance and 140% douchebaggery...

    I'm sorry for the hate, but after that, I sure hope he does get kicked out of BPS, hell, banned for dA! This is not proper conduct for ANY artist whatsoever! Humility and capability of appreciating work and greatness from fellow artists is a must-have(even for dA's biggest fishes), WHICH he does NOT!


    1. He removed himself from our studio weeks ago, however, we've been left to clean up the mess. We're still receiving messages of hate.


    2. Unfortunately, douciness is not grounds for banning XD I imagine dA would lose a significant amount of their membership were that to happen after all.

  11. BPS as a whole is a good group. i look at their art all the time, and i always enjoyed reading chen's poetry. (chen is the one you guys are talking about here.) however, the comments he left were nothing short of immature. i must admit, i had a situation similar to chen. i had a hard time taking criticism from somebody. it had been a bad day, and the dude just shoved his opinion down my throat. nonetheless, i reamed him for what would have otherwise been a welcome critique. i did something chen didn;t do, though. i apologized. i realized my actions were immature, and not required. chen needs to realize that if he doesn't make up to the people he insulted, he'll eventually be alienated from everyone on DA who used to enjoy his works. what really shocked me was when he said he didn't want to fill out a form to join a group, because it was boring. THAT'S what really got me.

    in any case, i've been in chen's situation, but i at least apologized for my actions and made good, instead of parting ways leaving a sour taste in both peoples mouths.

    i still enjoy BPS, and it sucks that chen's gone, but he's got no one but himself to blame. i just hope BPS changed the password to their group account so chen can't hack into their account and screw them over out of spite, assuming he's that malicious. i hope not, but hey, at this point, it's hard to tell what kind of person chen is.

    sorry i left such a huge comment.



  12. I wouldn't hold a bad day against anyone, but it seems to be a regular thing with his responses (the screenshots here were over a period of three days I believe). Granted, I don't know the whole story, but no bad day is worth such horrible responses to genuine critique. Flaming sure, but attempts to help? I can't not take issue with that XD If your day was THAT bad, just wait until tomorrow before you type anything :P

    Long comments are the best comments <3 Unless they're full of rage like this blog post XD You're definitely a bigger person than Chen if you were willing to back down when in the wrong. I doubt anyone would stay upset in circumstances like those :)

    1. three days? wow, ok, yeah, that's kind of inexcusable. well, hopefully chen can redeem himself eventually. maybe post an apology or something.


  13. Something i noticed: Chen can't use commas (or correct sentence structure.) Wow. Where did he get the idea he's better than anyone else? And why can't constructive criticism be constructive?

    1. Believe me, we noticed the grammar XD I don't claim to have a perfect grasp of grammar rules either, but I manage to catch most of my typos.

  14. you know what? eyeryone has their faults and everyone can change so if chen is trying to change the give the guy a break. im not saying you should watch him or be friens with him, im saying back off. im sure your not prefect, i know im not.
    and chen is a presron! hes a human like you and me (that i if you are a human...)

    1. I don't fault anyone for a mistake or ten, but being a consistent jackass is another matter entirely; his comments were insulting both on a personal/ individual level and to the entire literary community, as well as to anyone that has pursued or is planning to pursue a degree or career in English. I will not simply let that slide because we happen to be the same species, but have long since laid the matter to rest (aside from people still commenting on this blog XD).

  15. Can't believe this is still so funny.
