Sunday, January 29, 2012

Periwinkle Tea

It's only about 1AM but it feels so much later and I don't know why.

I get nights like that sometimes, especially when I've spent so much of it reading and everything I've ben reading on dA tonight has been soft or sad or subtle or bittersweet or any combination of those things and I'm typing this with my entire left hand and only two fingers of my right because the thumb and forefinger still have residue from the bag of potato chips I can't stop nibbling on.

I'm out of tea and this makes me sad because I don't really want to make more this late but maybe I will anyway because I'd like to trade in my potato chips for chocolate sticks. I think I'd like something warm for the next few hours.

My tea mug is periwinkle blue.

There must be a perfect ratio of tea to sugar because everyone else seems able to find it but me. I kept putting in spoonfuls of sugar but it never got any sweeter until it got to the range where I knew I really didn't need that much in my system but it's not my fault that tea doesn't taste right without any sweetener or that I'm terrible at ratios.

I didn't know the inside of my mouth was so cold until I put a steam heated spoon in for a taste. My mug is half empty now and the warmth is tingling my tongue, but the cold reaches all the way down my throat and lingers just at the back like a drafty cave. It's a strange feeling to be so cold and so warm at the same time.

I just realized I left my chocolate sticks in the pantry, but I just got my toes warm again.

True story. My night in 300 words.

Total accident by the way - I put it into Word for a wordcount and it was exactly 300. That means leave it alone <3

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